Taking care of your mental and spiritual self
Looking after yourself physically is obviously important but don’t forget about the rest of you. Your mental self, how you think, how you react, how you treat yourself. Be in the best possible mind space to deal with the things life brings.
Music! Don’t underestimate the power of a great tune to lift your mood or get you motivated to get things done.
Getting your physical energy moving is great but also keep that energy in your home fresh and moving. Maybe move a few things around. Get those DIY jobs done you’ve been meaning to do for years. Keep the windows open to allow lots of fresh air to circulate. Create a space within your home that makes it feel more like a separate work space. This could be as simple as turning a chair away from the TV to a window.
If you find yourself increasingly irritated by irrational things, be almost crippled by fear, worrying excessively about things or being short tempered and angry, you might want to try a form of therapy to address this. Many therapists already provide sessions online such as myself with ThetaHealing®.
As a little something that may help, I’ve included some self help tools below. To bring them into your life, you don’t need to book a session, you don’t need to have had ThetaHealing before and you don’t even really need to know how it works, you’ll just know if you’d like to use them. Just say “yes”.
I've also recorded a meditation for you at the bottom of the page. The intention for this is to help you feel grounded, present and clear.
If you like the idea of having these things in your life, say “yes”.
All these downloads are on all levels, in all languages, in the highest and best way with ease and grace. What it feels like, that you are allowed this, are worthy and deserving of this and that it is in your life now:
I am worthy of having amazing health in this physical body.
My body knows how to stay healthy at all times free from toxins, disease or harmful bacteria.
My immune system is wonderfully healthy and functioning at its optimum level at all times.
I know that it’s ok to spend time and focus on myself free from guilt and free from isolation or being disconnected.
I know how to keep myself healthy, free from any illness, disease or condition teaching me this.
I know I’m allowed to put myself first.
It’s my choice of who, when and how to help others.
I allow my lungs to release any fear, grief or resentment that no longer serves me at this time.
I allow my body to release any fear, grief or resentment that no longer serves me at this time.
My lungs and my body know how to breathe in the breath of life and that they are safe to do this.
I have the highest perspective and understanding of being healthy and mine is the same.
I am worthy and deserving of having perfect health.
I am healthy.
I know how to release myself from the drama and fear of others.
I know how to live and be safe, free from panic.
I know how to support and assist others if I choose to do so, free from taking on their fears.
I know how to live a life full of joy.
I know how to live a life free from guilt.
I know how to be and that I am safe, free from having to disconnect in any way or isolate in any way.
I am grateful to my body and my immune system for functioning perfectly, keeping me active, keeping me alert and helping me to live this amazing life with joy.
It’s possible and I know how to, do what’s right for me now and all times whilst being respected, considerate, kind and courteous to others.
I know how to live free from feeling like I’m being denied and I know how to appreciate all that I have.
I know what it feels like to live without panic.
I know I’m worthy and deserving of living a life full of joy and happiness.
This is something you can access for a little bit of calm, some grounding, to clear your mind and clear your energy.
Make sure you wont be disturbed. It'll only take just under 8 minutes of your time.
Be comfortable either lying down or seated, ideally seated with your feet on the floor.
Make sure your arms and legs are not crossed.
This can be accessed and repeated as often as you would like, just click on the heading to start your meditation.